
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

dick lee sings We Are Singapore! cool version..

Posted by ißεn9 at 11:15 PM

Saturday, April 26, 2008

International Petition to stop a Public Demonstration of Cruelty to a Dog‏


In 2007, the 'artist' Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, took a dog from the street, tied him to a rope in an art gallery, and starved him to death. For several days, the 'artist' and the visitors of the exhibition have watched emotionless the shameful 'masterpiece' based on the dog's agony, until eventually he died. But this is not all... the prestigious Visual Arts Biennial of the Central American decided that the 'installation' was actually art, so that Guillermo Vargas Habacuc has been invited to repeat his cruel action for the biennial of 2008.

PLEASE HELP STOP HIM! It takes a second to help put a stop to animal abuse.Please sign the petition by going to:


Share this with everyone you know!

The group that started this petition have also posted a video on YouTube. After seeing their appeal and the photos of the dog, I could not help but contact you to ask for your help to make this known to as many people as possible. Live demonstrations of cruelty to animals is not art, and it reflects poorly of the people and governments of Central America that allowed this to occur. What is next? Beating children for beauty sake? Please help by signing this petition.

Posted by dizzzy at 5:18 PM

i would like to say.... BE CAREFUL CLASS!!!! 

just did my own lil research out of curiosity but if u realise the article on "kitty huffing" posted earlier as directed from a website known as uncyclopedia. 

What is uncyclopedia?

taken by wikipedia


Uncyclopedia was launched on January 52005 by Jonathan Huang, known online as "Chronarion",[5][6]and a pseudonymous partner called Stillwaters.[7][2]

The idea for Uncyclopedia came from the English Wikipedia's now-defunct "Bad jokes and other deleted nonsense" page,[8] where Wikipedia's editors would sideline nonsense which they perceived as humorous but unsuitable for inclusion in the main encyclopædia.[3] Jonathan Huang and co-creator "Stillwaters" decided to make a wiki with this type of content, and created Uncyclopedia on January 52005.[5]


Uncyclopedia's stated goal is to "provide the world's misinformation in the least redeeming and most searingly sarcastic and humorous way possible, through satire(literature word for irony,humour and exaggeration to critisize others stupidity-ogawa added)".[5] Its articles contain information which is spoofed, fabricated or parodied to such an extent that very little factual accuracy remains. In a manner similar to Wikipedia's "Five pillars", Uncyclopedia has a core set of rules called the "Five pliers", including "Satirical point of view".[17] Despite all the policy pages that parody those of Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia has two main rules: "Be funny and not just stupid," and "Don't be a dick."[3]

The wiki has a system for reviewing articles for their humour, grammar, spelling, use of images, and overall presentation, named Pee Review to parody Wikipedia's article review service Peer Review.[18] Writers post their articles on the Pee Review project page for review by other Uncyclopedians.[19] Similarly, a reference desk exists as the "Reefer Desk" to offer review of humorous user-edited images.(the answer to the pictures u see perhaps?)

One feature of Uncyclopedia's articles is the liberal use of quotations, usually misquoted, fictitiously attributed or entirely fabricated[20] Among the most recurrent themes is the invention of quotes that are attributed to Oscar Wilde,[21] a phenomenon which began with an article stating that inventing Wilde quotes was the “national sport ofEngland”.[3] Themes such as "kitten huffing" (the inhalation of cats as a form of drug abuse) and misadventure involving "grues" (a reference to the Zork text adventure series, in which players are repeatedly eaten by these creatures) recur frequently.

Uncyclopedia administrators are challenged by a steady flow of articles that do not meet Uncyclopedia's standards. Much like Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia has policies concerning vanity articles, which are articles written by an individual associated with the subject of the page. Originally, vanity articles were welcomed as long as they were humorous. However, many of these articles degenerated into flamewars, and creation of vanity pages was therefore disallowed.[3]

so dear class. before we run around telling everyone the horrors of this kitten huffing which is in fact a hoax, check properly. we wouldnt want REAL SICK people ACTUALLY trying this out and causing harm to the dear kitties now would we....   no no no im not being sarcastic or mean, i was jus worried that SOME STUPID people who like drugs may ACTUALLY try this out with the methods on that webpage and kill/injure an innocent cat.

besides,dun u think a real live adult cat would claw its way out of someone's mouth?

and the pictures shown, dun show the cats in any form of retaliation or anger or scared (As learnt in ACM TODAY..AHHAHAHA) so mayb they briefly jus "AAH" over the head for the snapshot to fool everyone... 

and if u read the website actually the methods on how to DO this kitten huff thing..is actually quite FUNNY.

for cupped hand approach :Don't be a dick: recycle. Used kittens may be turned in to a local Kitten Recycling Center or PETA officeor turned into delicious pies. (is there such kitten recycling center... haha delicious pies?)

for plastic tube approach :Call Poison Control (this is indeed quite sarcastic,afterall ur sniffing kitten butt with gas)

for traffic cone :Obtain a plain, orange traffic cone (where to get this? on the road?) 

the huffing bowl approach :Obtain a huffing bowl (for only £9.99 from your local newsagents) and give it a rinse. 

tummy huff :If this is done properly, your kitten should emit a glow, frequently changing color. The glow will soon grow larger, and upon entering the glow you will feel the "deep-high pitched trance" as Andy Warhol described (using a quote,jus like the describtion of uncyclopedia) . 


ok im sure u all get my drift ya? so ACTUALLY its QUITE FUNNY the way they used SATIRE in the instructions to mock.  


Posted by Ogawa at 12:02 AM

Thursday, April 24, 2008

point need to be made! (to kaveen n BC!)

extracted from wiki : The lost world jurassic park

Meanwhile, Roland Tembo, the leader of the InGen team, is hunting for his prize trophy, a male Tyrannosaurus, using aT. rex baby to lure in its parents. When he returns to the camp, Nick frees the baby T. rex, taking it back to their trailer so Sarah can set its broken leg. Eddie and Kelly hide in a tree stand, while Malcolm returns to the trailer. As Tembo intended, the T. rex parents come searching for their son, and after getting it from Sarah and Nick, throw one half of the hinged trailer over a cliff in the process, with Malcolm, Nick, and Sarah inside. Eddie throws down a rope and tries to pull the trailer back up using one of the SUVs, but is killed when the T. rex returned. The trailer falls, but its occupants survive by holding on to the rope and are helped up by the InGen team. With all of the communications equipment destroyed in the attacks, both groups team up to reach the old InGen compound's radio station, right through a Velociraptor nesting site, while Dr. Harding suspects the T. rex parents will continue pursuing them.

On the way, Dieter Stark, Tembo's second in command, is eaten by Compsognathus. Just before reaching the InGen compound, a large number of the InGen team are attacked and eaten by Velociraptors. Malcolm and his friends pass through the field unharmed, but are attacked by Velociraptors and go into hiding. All three raptors are either killed or distracted, and the team make a run for the building, where they contact a rescue helicopter. As they fly away, they see that Tembo has finally caught an adult male Tyrannosaurus, preparing to ship it and the baby back to the mainland. When the ship carrying the dinosaurs arrives in San Diego, it crashes into the dock. A boarding party then finds out the gruesome reason why there was no one to slow it down. The entire crew is dead, which is largely unexplainable, seeing that the only dinosaur on the ship was a T-Rex, and therefore much too large to fit into intact human-sized quarters. While searching for survivors, a guard opens the cargo hold and unleashes the Tyrannosaurus, who storms into the city.

Malcolm and Sarah rush to the Jurassic Park arena to get the baby T. rex, who was brought separately by plane. As the adult runs through the city, causing immense damage, they bait it with its baby, luring it back into the ship's cargo hold. Ludlow, after all this still believing that a dinosaur park will work, attempts to take the baby out of the cargo hold. When Malcolm and Sarah close the dinosaurs in, Ludlow is trapped as well and eaten. As Malcolm, Sarah, and Kelly watch TV at home, the ship sails back to the Island. John Hammond says in an interview that the island must be preserved to allow the dinosaurs to survive.

right again!

Posted by Ogawa at 7:37 PM

mayb a hidden blowhole on top hidden inside his HUGE MANE...

Posted by Ogawa at 7:13 PM



The name "Godzilla" is a rough romanization of Gojira (ゴジラ?), a combination of two Japanese words: gorira (ゴリラ lit. "gorilla"?) and kujira (クジラ lit. "whale"?). At one planning stage, the concept of "Gojira" was described as "a cross between a gorilla and a whale," alluding to Godzilla's size, power and aquatic origin. A popular story is that "Gojira" was actually the nickname of a hulking stagehand at Toho Studio.[7] The story has not been verified, however, because in the more than 50 years since the film's original release, no one claiming to be the employee has ever stepped forward, and no photographs of him have ever surfaced.

 Described as atransitional form between aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates by Doctor Yamane in the original film, Godzilla is able to survive in the ocean for extended periods of time and is adept a fighter underwater as he is on land.


Dr. Niko "Nick" Tatapolous (Matthew Broderick), an NRC scientist, who happened to be in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (Ukraine) researching the effects of radiation on wildlife, is interrupted by the arrival of an agent of the U.S. State Department. He is sent to Panama, escorted by the military, to observe the wreckage of the recovered Japanese fishing ship (which had three gigantic claw marks on one side) and a set of massive dinosaur-like footprints in the grassy soil. The Frenchman is also there, observing the scene and introduces himself as an insurance agent. Aboard a military aircraft, Tatapolous identifies skin samples he recovered as belonging to an animal "unknown to science".

Gojira then heads to New York City, dragging three trawlers under the sea on the way, then creating havoc in the Fulton Fish Market, before rampaging through the city. Manhattan is evacuated and the military attempt to kill the monster, first luring it out with a huge pile of fish. It takes the bait, but then shrugs off small arms fire, and evades and destroys three pursuing AH-64 Apache attack helicopters. It escapes, but not before Nick realizes that the monster reproduces asexually, and is collecting food not only for itself, but also for its offspring. Nick is determined to find its nest.

However, a videotape from Panama is stolen by Nick's ex-girlfriend, Audrey Timmonds (Maria Pitillo), a would-be TV journalist for news channel "WIDF." Audrey originally intended to broadcast the tape herself, but her boss broadcasted it instead and mispronounced "Gojira" as "Godzilla." The military is outraged by the broadcasting of the classified tape and Nick is thrown off the team. Nick is then kidnapped by the Frenchman who introduces himself as Philippe Roaché, an agent of the DGSE, the French Secret Service. He and his team have been keeping close watch on events, and are now ready to help clear up the mess they feel responsible for, but cannot acknowledge.

The military lures it out again, into the waters of the Hudson River with three U.S. Navy nuclear submarines. Godzilla is torpedoed and seems to be dead. Meanwhile Nick and a French team, led by Roaché, surreptitiously followed by Audrey and cameraman Victor "Animal" Palotti (Hank Azaria), track Godzilla through the subway tunnels(underground train station??-ogawa) to the Madison Square Garden, finding hundreds of eggs. They start to lay explosives, but the eggs start to hatch. The Baby Godzillas begin to look for food, and since the team smell like fish, they become inevitable targets. After failing to contain the infants and losing several members of the team, the remaining four of them take refuge in a TV broadcast booth. Knowing that the Baby Godzillas will eventually force humanity into extinction if they escape, Nick, Audrey, and Animal alert the authorities, who order an immediate strike by a trio of F/A-18 Hornets. The four escape just before the building is destroyed, only for an extremely enraged Godzilla (who managed to survive the assault in the river) to emerge from the wreckage. The four make a getaway in a taxicab, and lure it to the Brooklyn Bridge where it becomes entangled in the steel suspension cables, and is an easy target for the fighters. After it is hit by several missiles, it screams in pain and falls to the ground, its heart beating slowly until it breathes its last breath.

As Nick, Audrey and Animal reconcile, Roaché quietly walks off with the videotape and calls Nick to tell him he will return it after "certain information" has been removed, and disappears into the night.

All seems well until we see in the smoking ruins of the Garden, a single egg has survived and hatches...

Ogawa WINS....    heh

Posted by Ogawa at 6:40 PM

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Scenes in Shanghai

I have just returned from my CDS trip in Shanghai. Just to share a heart-wrenching scene I saw that could have affect you as much as it has affect me.

In a dark pet shop in a tourist site, a brown toy poodle puppy was cramped into a small BIRD CAGE. It as no space to even stretch out itself or even move. It's back was already arched due to the cramped space.

Dozens of terrapins were cramped into a tank fit for only 5.

A tiny long-hair bunny was kept in cage no larger than itself.

Live guppies were packaged into plastic hearts filled with limited coloured water and air.

My tour mates bought a dozen of them as souvenirs for their friends- a souvenirs which couldn't even last a month, as the poor guppy would soon die either of starvation or lack of oxygen.

Sorry I wasn't able to stop them.

The pet shop was crowded with people exclaiming, "SO CUTE!" without being able to detect the flaws in the shop.

Sometimes, humans are worst than beasts.

Sorry I didn't take any photos as I couldn't stand the cruelty any longer. But as Vet Techs shouldn't we do something about it?

For other photos in Shanghai please refer to my blog.
I hope those in Thailand have a better experience.

Posted by quack at 11:32 AM

Thursday, April 3, 2008

class outing

hey hey! let's have class outing! i have 2 suggestion.

first is a ubin sensory walk.

it costs around 33 bucks, including the walk, BUFFET LUNCH& transfer from changi point jetty. back to the nature to relax. note that i highlighted buffet lunch. heh. i think it's worth the money. minimum ppl to start the tour is 20. i guess it's good if we can go as a class rather then mixing with other ppl.

second is Kboxing.

heh. sorry, actually i wanted to Kbox for very long. jus that i have no company, so i think it'd be better to have you guys as company. heh.

anws, pls msg me if you guys are interested.

enjoy working/ rotting!

Posted by Valerie at 8:36 PM


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